Do's and Don'ts in the Rapid Review search: Find information faster without losing confidence in the results


  • Information retrieval
Date and Location


Monday 4 September 2023 - 11:00 to 12:30


Contact persons and facilitators

Contact person:


Klerings I1, Hausner E2, Robalino S3, Escobar Liquitay CM4
1 Cochrane Austria | Cochrane Public Health, Austria
2 ,
3 , USA
4 Research Department. Instituto Universitario Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina., Argentina
Target audience

Target audience: 

information specialists, librarians, and researchers who are familiar with systematic search methods

Level of difficulty: 

Type of workshop

Type of workshop : 



Evidence syntheses are key tools to support reliable, unbiased, and reproducible healthcare decisions. However, identifying, appraising, and synthesizing new evidence is often resource intensive. The Cochrane Rapid Review Methods Group (RRMG) investigates ways to meet growing demands within resource constraints by using rapid review (RR) evidence synthesis methods.
RR information retrieval methods aim to assist in accelerating the review process while still being systematic, transparent, and reproducible. Search processes may be abbreviated by 1) reducing time spent on conducting searches and 2) reducing the size of the search result. There are many ways to make searches more efficient, ranging from searching fewer sources to the application of limits, filters/hedges, and restrictions (e.g., publication dates, language, and precision-focused search strategies). But how do we decide which approach is appropriate for a particular topic or review goal?

The aim of the workshop is to present and discuss potential abbreviated approaches in RR information retrieval and their appropriate application to different research questions or goals (e.g., focused clinical questions, broader public health topics, and horizon scanning).

The workshop comprises four sections, combining short expert presentations with large and small group discussions.
1. Short presentation of the topic, definition of terms, and recently published guidance focusing on literature searching for RRs from the RRMG.[1]
2. Large group discussion: Collection of “shortcut strategies” and their pros/cons, as used by the participants.
3. Brief case studies from the presenters of how their organizations use RR search methods depending on the research question or review goals.
4. Small group discussion based on a case scenario: Participants will discuss possible search approaches for a specific research question, weighing pros and cons of frequently used shortcuts.

Workshop prerequisites: Participants should be familiar with the fundamentals of systematic searching. Familiarity with RR methodology is welcome but not necessary.

Patients or healthcare consumers are not involved in this workshop. However, the application of appropriate RR search methods is important for providing robust evidence rapidly in healthcare settings.

[1] Klerings I, Robalino S, et al. Rapid Reviews Methods Series: Guidance on Literature search. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine. 2023(in-press).