Cochrane was founded in 1993 and has grown into a global network producing gold standard evidence syntheses. Over those years we have been doing things in the same way and during that time the field has evolved. To maintain our place as one of the world’s leaders in producing trusted evidence, we are making some big changes in 2023.
Reviews will be shorter. Users of evidence are best served by a more focused article. This also makes writing and updating reviews simpler as you do not need to make changes in multiple places. The main body of the review will contain sections that are most useful to users of Cochrane evidence, with a clearer distinction between the main article and supplementary materials.
With a shorter review, we are moving the structure to where it is needed most: the data. This change is powered by moving to study centric data management in RevMan, which comes with a host of benefits for authors. By improving the structure of data associated with Cochrane reviews, we can increase their impact by making it easier for policy makers, guideline developers, and others to reuse our evidence.
This presentation will provide an update on changes to the review format and data management for Cochrane reviews. It will cover:
1. Why has Cochrane changed the review format and how data are managed in RevMan?
2. What does it mean for review authors, editors, peer reviewers, and users of Cochrane evidence?
3. How the changes will unlock the potential for innovations in how we tailor our evidence for key stakeholders.
The standardized review article with more structured data will result in a better experience for authors, with the reassurance that fewer words do not equate to lower standards. The process of producing Cochrane reviews will be more efficient, facilitating living reviews and unlocking the potential for innovations in how we tailor our evidence for key stakeholders.
Patient, public, and/or healthcare consumer involvement:
User experience testing and consultations informed developments.